Sunday, May 29, 2011

Secret Belgians

I took a workshop this weekend at the Center for Book Arts here for making Hedi Kyle's Secret Belgian Binding structure. The story behind this binding is delightfully nerdy and involves it being discovered and reworked by either Hedi Kyle or Anne Goy, depending on which blog you read. I'm on team Hedi myself - I have a major bookcrush on that lady. She designed the blizzard book, one of the very first structures I tried to muddle through while at my office job using xerox paper and stealing company time.

Here are some great clearly written instructions, if you want to give it a try, and this page has some good tips as well.


  1. the Secret Belgian looks more complex then it probably is, yes? (I hope)
    I like you're blog and your confession that you've worked on company time and used the paper. I got so bad, I began taking jobs just for the access to stuff and Xerox!

  2. It absolutely looks more tricky than it actually is, and the final product just feels so great - I totally recommend giving it a try. Thanks for commenting!

  3. I have selfishly been WAITING FOR MY DAILY DOSE OF FAITH!!

    Glad to see you are back on the blogosphere - and now I get to see what this book-binding business is all about.


  4. I read your blog obsessively! And I certainly hope to shed some light on the process- once I find the light myself, I suppose!
