Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Shady lamp

It's obvious that my office lady clothes just won't cut it anymore. I must be suffering from some sort of mental deficiency, because it actually made sense to me to leave the house this morning in a pencil skirt. At least I have my apron! I'm going to have to go shopping for work clothes stat.

I'm kind of startled by how much my life overall has changed. I naively supposed that I'd just be spending my 9-6 hours doing different things, and that my "real life" hours would be basically the same, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Firstly, I am physically exhausted at the end of the day. All that standing! And general moving around! Also, I miss my stupid pop culture blogs, and socializing at work. I used to be able to sneak in little projects or article reading or family emailing in the midst of a day full of work projects, knit blog reading, emailing readers or yarn people. No way any of that would fly in the bindery - every task is immediate, and needs to be completed at that moment.  I'm not sure why this comes as such a surprise, but it is certainly taking some getting used to.

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